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Full-funnel marketing orchestration technology with consumers and buyers as they progress can help gather new data throughout the through the buyer’s journey will now be integral buyer’s journey and help generate insights to success. that can inform activities and priorities. With more digital engagement, every marketer Furthermore, with advertising prices down, needs to invest in the tools to ensure they getting the most out of spend can help reap truly understand their customers; the ability huge rewards. With more inventory available to follow them throughout the funnel has at a cheaper cost, a smart digital advertising always been important, but with behavior strategy based on the fast-changing data having changed, and with new audiences collected through orchestration technology can and further changes on the horizon, having a help you drive down the customer acquisition comprehensive understanding of how to engage cost significantly and maximize lifetime value. GRAPH 2 Points of change in sales growth vs. pre-crisis (Dec-Jan) March 12-18 March 5-11 Feb 27-Mar 4 73 52 38 SE 24 INCREA 9 13 12 9 11 5 8 6 8 7 5 1 2 2 4 -2 -11 Home & DIY Amazon Online Electronic Mass Retail Pharmacy Grocery Groceries Retails -3 -2 -4 -4 -1 -7 -11 -9 -7 -10 -8 -9 -6 -12 -17 -12 -22 -23 -32 -34 -36 SE -38 DECREA -46 -56 Hobby Health, Restaurants Entertain- Dept Transport Apparel Travel Fitness, ment & Stores Beauty Cinemas Source: BCG Research

The Digital Imperative for CMOs | BCG - Page 9 The Digital Imperative for CMOs | BCG Page 8 Page 10