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“The ultimate goal is to become a fully ‘virtual confidence. At Omio, for example, putting organization’ with a multidisciplinary team in place and maintaining data infrastructure setup and without formal reporting lines,” said is crucial. Every aspect of the business is Javier Perez Moiño. connected in order to make sure there are enough data points for automation and Agile Budgeting algorithm training. This enables the company to respond immediately as circumstances change. You should be leveraging every tracking tool at your disposal to monitor spend and Overcoming complexity and creating efficiency performance, and your finance team will likely is another reason to invest in automation. be very interested in this information at a time A recent survey commissioned by Adjust like this. Work with them to project revenue found that marketers have to manage over and synchronize on budget; because market 250 distinct bids and spend limits every day, conditions have changed so much (and will highlighting the scale and complexity behind likely continue to do so), budgets should be current marketing campaigns, and it’s no agile, enabling you to increase spend when surprise respondents also cited repetitive you need to on short notice in order to capture workflows as a top pain point. Christian opportunities, shifting resources to higher ROI Henschel, founder and CEO of Adjust, sees areas. automation as a way to boost creativity and sharpen strategy by letting machine learning Test, Test, Test handle routine tasks and integrate various data streams together: “The future marketer won’t Agility and experimentation are the best routes compete with AI so much as co-create with it,” to swiftly adapt to the new conditions and he said. make further changes to keep up with the circumstances. Running multiple tests on digital channels with messaging options won’t just help you sell more products through optimization; in this period, it’s an invaluable tactic to inform product pivots and value proposition work, helping you to position yourself as well as possible. Automation will unlock speed, with data- evidenced insights deployed instantaneously to increase margins. Higher-level testing initiatives and pilots, run throughout the organization, will enable you to make bolder moves with

The Digital Imperative for CMOs | BCG - Page 17 The Digital Imperative for CMOs | BCG Page 16 Page 18