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Winning will mean not only having a great product-market fit, but also making wise choices about how to work with healthtech ecosystem partners. Julius Neiser Managing Director and Partner • In digital health, competition will shift from player- • Health care delivery will increasingly evolve versus-player to ecosystem-versus-ecosystem. from patient-centric to patient-led. Patients are Winning will mean not only having a great product- demanding to take charge of their own health, using market fit, but also making wise choices about how to disease management solutions to do so and finding new work with healthtech ecosystem partners. Such partners ways to connect to their care teams, such as through include data ecosystems, infrastructure and cloud ever-more-advanced remote diagnostic, delivery, and ecosystems, and device ecosystems, as well as networks monitoring solutions. This new wave of patient-led care of providers, payers, and health systems. will require great leaps in integrating people, services, software, and hardware. • The focus of digital-health investments will fundamentally change from top-line growth to profitability. Digital-health solutions have proliferated, with investors making big bets to capture a share of the booming healthtech sector. In the coming year, many of these solutions will fail if they have not sufficiently reduced business-model risks and demonstrated a path to profitability. On the flip side, investors will double down on solutions that satisfy these requirements, as health care in general—and healthtech in particular—is recession resistant.

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