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In customer service, organizations will use generative AI to respond to patient inquiries, freeing health care companies to improve the patient experience. Daniel Martines Managing Director • Health care organizations will adopt generative • Patient analytics will inform many different areas, AI technologies (the use of artificial intelligence algo- from diagnostics and therapies to the optimization of rithms to generate new data, such as images, text, or medical supply chains on the basis of patient density audio). As a result, we will see an emergence of genera- or therapeutic trends. In tandem, patient-related analyt- tive AI use cases and experimentation across all health ical models will become more and more sophisticated care sectors in 2023. Organizations are already testing through the use of AI and external information such as ChatGPT, a generative AI technology, in developing ther- demographics, social-media data, and social determi- apeutic ideas to feed clinical trial pipelines, analyzing nants. Patient-data platforms—including anonymized large amounts of medical data, and identifying patterns integration of electronic-health record platforms—will that may indicate new treatment options or potential emerge, as will domain-specific data science teams to health risks. In customer service, organizations will use capture value. generative AI to respond to patient inquiries, freeing health care companies to improve the patient experi- • Patient data will be integrated into the health ence and reduce the workload on human customer- care supply chain and employed across use cases. service representatives. In addition, they can use gener- Pharmacies will monitor drug-therapy adherence and ative AI in clinical trials to help find the most suitable personalize patient communications. Clinical-trial patients for the trial and to create patient-specific treat- project teams will optimize country selection and site ment plans. activation. And pharma companies will optimize drug distribution. Meanwhile, patient-data compliance will continue to evolve, and organizations will need to im- plement automated controls to ingest, manage, and use the data. In addition, companies will need to strengthen their enterprise data-management function to unlock patient-analytics use cases.

The Future of Digital Health 2023 | Upload & Go - Page 11 The Future of Digital Health 2023 | Upload & Go Page 10 Page 12