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The coming year is likely to see an increase in femtechs striving to be one-stop shops for women’s health. Alice Wilson Lead Strategic Designer • Virtual reality will continue to showcase new • Femtechs will race to offer comprehensive—and approaches to treating mental health conditions. hybrid—care models. The femtech market is predicted Although the metaverse hype has begun to decrease, to grow to $103 billion by 2030, according to Precedence VR-based exposure therapy is still exhibiting positive Research, meaning that a significant amount of white results in improving patient outcomes—and now that space remains. As a result, the coming year is likely BehaVR and OxfordVR, the leaders in this field, have to see an increase in femtechs striving to be one-stop joined forces, this trend is well positioned to continue. shops for women’s health, offering both virtual and The more immersive interactions within the metaverse in-person services. New York–based Maven Clinic, now could support better access to care through virtual valued at an estimated $1.35 billion, has shown that clinics, as Mind-Easy has done in Decentraland; offer such efforts can succeed. And around the globe, numer- ways to manage broader psychological disorders, such as ous comprehensive hybrid care providers are waiting in body dysmorphism, autism, and depression; and provide the wings, including Plenna in Mexico, Kindred in the spaces for mental well-being practices, such as those Philippines, and Almond in the US. provided by Tripp, a digital wellness company.

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