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The HOW | Ensure rapid impact and sustained success along the journey Rapid assessment First 100 days Executional • Develop & empower transformation mgmt. office • Finance discipline, robust tools and reporting certainty • Follow agile planning cycles • Culture and change initiatives ensures that change happens • Set up initial transformation governance • Tracking methodology and tools Leader • Create 'case for change' for leaders to • Define target picture of the company including clear communicate the value to the broader org. targets and aligned incentives enablement • Develop transformational leaders with enhanced • Strengthen leaders to pursue allocated targets equips and unifies leaders skills to support and deliver on change individually and in teams d. veer People • Implement two-way communication channels to • Allocate targeted change evenly across the firm esr engagement engage the organization and create buy-in ights l r • Identify key skills and capabilities gaps in .Al motivates and upskills the • Identify key talents and create retention plans organization and upskill as needed roup organization G ting sul Culture and • Conduct holistic diagnostic to baseline on C • Enable and motivate quick decision making ton purpose organizational strengths and opportunities Bos • Embed desired culture into organization by 2 create the environment for • Explain the clear purpose of transformation sustained change 202 © ight 17 opyrC Source: BCG analysis Examples – deep dives available

The CEO's Dilemma - Page 18 The CEO's Dilemma Page 17 Page 19