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Companies that build resilience rapidly in changing environments have a higher chance of creating significant long-term value Building resilience is key for companies in order to create significant long-term value by increasing preparedness against external shocks and disruptions Building resilience creates competitive advantages and allows companies to rise above their peers: Total Resilient company 1 shareholder • Rapid execution of no-regret actions to return 3 absorb the shock • Adapt to new circumstances and ensure a Total 2 value of high-speed recovery 2 resilience • Reimagine their business to fit the new 3 d. circumstances in the 12 months following veer the shock esr Shock l ights r Industry . Al Transformations improved performance1 by… roup G 1 ting sul +25pp -20pp on C ton osB Recovery Time by For top quartile For bottom quartile 2 202 of resilience built of resilience built © ight 10 opyrC 1. Performance relative to industry in response to future crises, i.e., successful resilient transformations enhance company performance by 25%; Source: Press; BCG Henderson analysis

The CEO's Dilemma - Page 11 The CEO's Dilemma Page 10 Page 12